I felt very guilty and pathetic about wanting therapy, I’ve no major trauma just a very regular life story. Always suffering from general low self esteem and a tendency to be negative, these things about myself I accepted were part of me, but when I had my twins I felt like I was thrown into the deep end of motherhood and I was not coping. Failing. I could see all my flaws mirrored back at me ten fold, and I was panicking, and struck with guilt over the impact my issues were having on my kids and relationship with them. I struggled with accepting my new identity as full time mother for 3 years, I found it completely overwhelming, just an onslaught of demands, raging at my kids all day, just waiting for the day to end so I could have a drink. My idea of “me” time. I also gained 20kg during this time. I had no time for myself. I spell all this out in case there is anyone out there who thinks they don’t deserve to be listened to, or are not worthy of self care like this because this is just what motherhood is like. When I first met Bea I felt like my ears were bleeding, begging for some silence, and just to carve out that time for myself in that appointment was the first step to respecting myself. I am just so glad I took that first step, getting over my embarrassment of taking up someone’s time. Bea made me feel so comfortable and safe. There is no judgement in her room, just warmth and compassion. I really appreciated Bea’s style of therapy which was practical, setting small achievable goals, dealing with any set backs with compassion and positivity. I’d never really tried meditation before but after 8 months with Bea I am a firm believer and advocate!! She is human, a strong, kind woman who wants to share her knowledge and expertise and create positive change. I have really felt a dramatic change in myself since working with Bea, she has given me the tools to practice with, and I am so grateful for the work she has done to help me get to a good place. Forever grateful.
Thank you Lucy, its wonderful to see that you are now benefiting from our sessions and thank you for the glowing feedback.
Thank you Lucy for the glowing feedback. its good to hear you are benefiting from our sessions.